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650XJS Spindle

Your Price: $6,450.00
Manufacturer: Air Turbine Spindles Inc.
Manufacturer Part No: 63040

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Speed + Collet Size:
the tools of a new generation™

The 650XJS is workhorse with up to 1.40 hp / 1.04 kW at 25,000, 30,000 or 40,000 rpm. In 24 hour operation the patented governed high speed 650XJS delivers constant high speed and torque under load with high reliabilty and accuracy as a result of its low friction power unit with few moving parts.

Plenty of power to speed up your inches cut per minute. High cutting speeds are maintained at the periphery of your end mill or bur using the the 650X’s unique governed performance to achieve a faster cycle time, a cleaner finished surface and more production on your CNC.

Longer endmill life results from faster cutting with a light pass and no gears, vanes or brusges to urn up means less down time and repair costs. Twin front ceramic bearings are standard on the 650X Series enhancing reliabilty. No Duty Cycle.